Update: We had a very productive weekend. On Friday the 27th, our Volunteers delivered over 264 lb of food to families in need with a small crew of two volunteers.

Our Church Without Fear Bridge Ministries served over 200 meals to the homeless in Tyler under the Gentry Bridge on Saturday evening.

Thank you NCCTyler for proving and dropping off the meals of love for our small crew of four to serve. Your support has always been appreciated.

Note to Public: Our services are deem essential in this extreme time of need according to the Texas Government Code Section 418.108 and Net Health.

We also want to thank all of our volunteers for your hard work, dedication and diligence. Keep up the good work!

The most exciting part about CWF Bridge Ministries on Saturday evening was the fact that 3 people dedicated their life to Christ in the mist of all this turmoil. Yes 3 souls were saved! Hallelujah

That’s not all folks! Another individual, who goes by the name Loco, repented of his sins, returned to Christ and then signed up into a rehab program provided by Addict Ministries. (This is why we do what we do!)

Thank you Ramiro Sandoval for helping loco find his way in this dark world and for assisting him in finding help through the Addict Ministries. Thank you for being a vessel that God can use to Save Lives & Heal Heart as our slogan goes.

Thank you Pastor Denise Walker and your crew for interviewing Loco and then accepting him into your program.

We are asking everyone reading this update to keep Loco in your prayers and pray for the three people who gave their life to Christ. They have embarked on a new Journey in life.

Pray that God gives them strength to overcome every obstacle they may encounter in these spiritual battles that we all encounter.

We can confidently say God is blessing Us in a huge way and enlarging our territory as we have prayed the prayer of Jabez.

1 Chronicle 4:10 and Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
#ChurchWithoutFear #SavingLivesandHealingHearts #BridgeMinistries #CWFMinistries #PastorJohnWalton


For God have not given US the spirit of Fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. 2 Timothy 1:7