Watch & Read
CWF Ministries

Salvation is Free!
We had a very productive weekend. Our friends from Gods will outreach ministries volunteers served over 50 meals in Tyler under the Gentry Bridge on Saturday evening. Petrice Young delivered a powerful word that touched the hearts of everyone under the bridge. As the...

Understanding Jesus
In this 21 minute video we gain an understanding of: Salvation What we are being Saved From? Who Jesus is! What is wrath! and how the father created Jesus!

Sermon: Stay Connected by Pastor Kim
We had a very productive weekend. Our CWF volunteers served over 100 meals in Tyler under the Gentry Bridge on Saturday evening. As his spirit moves in a mighty way on Saturday evening, we are excited to announce that a multitude of souls were reconnected to the...

New Church Schedule
We have Good news and Bad. The good news is our ministry is growing exceptionally fast and we are excited to see the growth. God is good and blesses the obedient with fruitfulness. Interest in our specific movement has gained a lot of interest which has created a...

New Sound Trailer
We are building a new trailer for our homeless outreach Ministry in Dallas and Fort Worth. This trailer is pretty cool. We are mounting the speakers on the inside and have two doors that will give us access to the speaker. All we have to do now is roll up and open the...

Quick Reminder 2/20/21
Quick reminder: Due too the conditions of the roads we will not have our regular service under the bridge today. We want everyone to be safe and protected by traveling as little as possible. Our leadership will still provide emergency care as needed. We would like to...

February Video update (Homeless in cold)
We helped 3 people get off the streets this day and they were placed in a hotel for a week. This was possible through your support. The homeless guy in the video was living in a tent and he was placed in a hotel for a week. woohoo! We would like to give a shout out to...

Two Souls SAVED!
TWO SOULS SAVED... WOOHOO!!! We had a very productive weekend. The most exciting part about CWF Bridge Ministries happen this Saturday. As the title goes we had two young ladies give there life to the lord. We also want to thank all of our volunteers for your hard...

Understanding Darkness Part 1
Spiritual warfare is real and everyone is apart of that war. Understanding Darkness helps belivers understand what is going on and how to survive. Prophet walton give a riveting message to awaken our minds and enspire our hearts....

Thanks Giving Under the Bridge
We are very excited to announce that our 1st Annual Thanks Giving Under the Bridge was a success! We want to thank New Covenant Church Tyler for providing the meals, the music and the word! We also want to thank Shy Ministries, Ambassadors for Christ Jacksonville,...