Quick reminder:
Due too the conditions of the roads we will not have our regular service under the bridge today. We want everyone to be safe and protected by traveling as little as possible.
Our leadership will still provide emergency care as needed. We would like to give a shout out to Kim Blanton for traversing the icy roads to provide free roadside assistance to so many stranded people and for providing warm meals to the stranded truck drivers. Keep up the good work.
Also, last week majority of our homeless neighbors were placed in hotels so they would be protected from the severe weather. They are still living in hotels as we speak. Praise the lord.
We would like to also thank everyone who has stepped forward and supported the efforts of this ministry and the efforts of the other organizations under the bridge that are actively helping our homeless neighbors.
We truly appreciate you and your love and support. May God continually bless you.

#ChurchWithoutFear #SavingLivesandHealingHearts #BridgeMinistries #CWFMinistries #PastorJohnWalton

For God have not given US the spirit of Fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. 2 Timothy 1:7