We had a very productive weekend.
Our friends from Gods will outreach ministries volunteers served over 50 meals in Tyler under the Gentry Bridge on Saturday evening.
Petrice Young delivered a powerful word that touched the hearts of everyone under the bridge. As the spirit of God moves in a mighty way on Saturday evening, we are excited to announce that a multitude of souls were reconnected to the father from the prophetic word.
Everyone who comes and worships under the bridge say they love the freedom they feel in worship.
If you are looking for freedom in worship come and visit us every 3rd and 4th Saturday of each month.
#ChurchWithoutFear #SavingLivesandHealingHearts #BridgeMinistries #CWFMinistries #PastorJohnWalton
For God have not given US the spirit of Fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. 2 Timothy 1:7

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